UP SOCIUS is a duly recognized academic organization in UPLB under the Department of Social Sciences. It is a non-profit and non-partisan organization for Sociology majors established in 1996
Inspired by the praxis-centered motto “We live real lives and not just by the books,” UP SOCIUS, in its commitment to uplift the discipline of Sociology, envisions an organization that is home to academically excellent, patriotic, and selfless, holistic leaders and the new generation of sociologists.
UP SOCIUS is dedicated:
- To assist in academic-related matters to promote academic excellence.
- To mold students into leaders equipped with critical thinking and praxis, grounded in the discipline of Sociology.
- To become a platform for social issues to be heard, seen, and discussed.
- To become an arena for growth and self-development in all human aspects.
The UP SOCIUS started out as a “barkadahan” of Sociology majors who have common interests and goals in life. Although their course, Sociology, a new discipline in the Philippines, has equipped them with sufficient theories about understanding society, they understand that they can do more than that. They can learn more by practicing what they learned in the four walls of the classroom. They wanted to make a difference. On March 8, 1995, the said “barkadahan” held their first meeting with the goal of forming an organization. Their objectives were to consolidate social sciences majors in order to balance out academic life, provide academic assistance, and uplift the status of their discipline. The name that they coined for the organization was UP Association of Social Science Applied Practitioners or UPASSAP.
After a year and a half, the organization was revitalized. On September 11, 1996, they changed their name to Kamalayan. With the advent of a new name, new people and new ideas also came. These new people and new ideas were brought in and everyone was now ready to pursue a dream, a dream of excellence. The goals were to form an organization that will uplift the Sociology program, to become future leaders, to avoid the feeling of alienation for Sociology students, and to pursue the determination of forming a new breed of sociologists.
On September 19, 1996, the name Genus Socius was adopted and on October 9, 1996, the name UP SOCIUS finally came into form. During the semestral break of that school year, the constitution was made as the 2 nd semester approached, there came a new organization that catered to the needs of Sociology students, for self-enhancement in all aspects and the upliftment of both academic and leadership potentials, and as a service to humanity. On September 4, 1997, a year after the organization was founded, the Office of Student Affairs finally granted recognition to UP SOCIUS as a UPLB-based academic organization from its unrecognized socio-civic organization. Based in the Department of Social Sciences of the College of Arts and Sciences, the UP Socius has grown in many ways.
organization advisers
asst. prof. sunshine therese s. alcantara
asst. prof. Lei A. pangilinan-jamolin
Executive Committees
kimberly c. dela cruz
janessa r. pinuela
Vice President/Membership Committee Head
kylie erin l. paclibar
maia angela o. rito
Treasurer/Finance Committee Head
julia fatima f. famadico
ma. alissandra van a. conol
PRO Internals
easter grace f. ogena
PRO Externals/Marketing Committee Head
christal joy h. cervantes
Discriplinary Marshall
standing Committees
ivana mae b. seva
Education Committee Head
alexa liz v. casalme
Socio-Civic Committee Head
kristine ashley d. bombasi
Publicity Committee Head
Social Media Links