BA Sociology Program
BA Sociology aims to help students develop relevant skills for lifelong learning and
occupational flexibility that will eventually place them at a more competitive advantage.
Furthermore, the program is geared towards a range of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that will reflect greater learning and teaching ability and ensures that students are able to conduct sociological research enhanced by other social science disciplines.
MA Sociology Program
The MA Sociology program was designed, first, to underscore, the relevance of
sociology as a professional field, with emphasis on the sub-areas of social organization, social psychology and demography, and second, to complement the science-and-technology oriented curricula of the other academic units in UPLB. The main thrust of the program is to enhance understanding of the basic social processes especially those which are meant to bring about improvement in the quality of human life. The program seeks to combine: (a) the breadth of
the liberal arts tradition and (b) the depth of specialization in the field of Sociology. There are two streams in the program: the quantitative and the qualitative stream.