Most of the student’s registration-related procedures are conducted online via the Student Academic Information System (SAIS).
This online platform contains self-service enrollment features that enable you to select classes, confirm your selections, and review the result of your selected courses. SAIS also integrates various enrollment functions such as dropping, swapping, and editing classes.
Since the Single Sign-On (SSO) feature is already being implemented for SAIS, you can now log in to your SAIS account using your UP mail account.
Before the start of each semester, the UPLB Office of the University Registrar (OUR) announces the pre-registration and general registration schedules.
Students must use the UPLB DX: Academic Management Information System (AMIS) for COI application and processing. Once your COI application has been approved by the faculty in charge (FIC), you will be permitted to enroll in the course via SAIS based on the registration schedule released by the OUR.
Please note that COI approval does not guarantee a student’s enrollment in a course, as it is still contingent on the availability of slots during the registration period.
Similar to COI, all prerogative enrollment applications shall be done via AMIS during the change of matriculation period. Please note that securing an FIC approval from AMIS does not automatically enroll you in the course. To complete your enrollment, you still have to manually enroll in SAIS.
Students are prohibited from emailing their applications directly to the FICs, as these will not be processed. Also, please refrain from sending prerogative enrollment inquiries to the FICs before the change of matriculation period.
The AMIS team processes all COI and prerogative enrollment applications in batches. Thus, students are advised to regularly check their SAIS account to see if they can already enroll in the course.
You may get the latest registration updates from our official website ( ) and Facebook page ( For registration-related inquiries, you may also email the DSS Registration Committee: [email protected]
There is no need to take undergraduate courses. However, for courses with prerequisite, Consent of Instructor (COI) should be accomplished during the registration period.
Part-time students can enroll maximum of six (6) units per semester while full-time students can enroll nine (9) to a maximum of twelve (12) units per semester.
You can finish the program within a minimum of two (2) to a maximum of five (5) years: two (2) years for full-time students and three (3) to five (5) years for part-time students. Upon reaching the maximum residency requirement of five (5) years, the student may apply for residency extension considering the rules of the UPLB Graduate School. Please read the Student Handbook to learn more about this. You may follow this link:
Courses are typically offered during weekdays. To accommodate part-time or working students, classes can be scheduled to start at 3:00 PM or 4:00 PM. If you want to take a weekend class, make sure to discuss this matter to the faculty of the MA Sociology program one semester in advance.
During the first semester, requests regarding class schedule must be discussed on or before the end of September. During the second semester, requests must be discussed on or before the end of February. Please take note that the availability of weekend classes depends on the availability of faculty who will teach the course/s.
Courses are not usually offered during Mid-year term. However, in special cases, arrangements can be done. The student needs to make sure to discuss this matter one semester in advance.
The Chair of the Department of Social Sciences (DSS) will be assigned as your default registration adviser during your first semester.
In the first semester of being enrolled, you must accomplish your Nomination for Guidance Committee form and your Plan of Coursework. Forms can be found at the Graduate School Website. You may also follow this link:
You in Graduate Schoolester. ocial Sciences (DSS) will be assigned as your default adviser during your first semester. should nominate three (3) to four (4) guidance committee members. At least one member must be from the Department of Social Sciences (DSS). One of them should be nominated as the chair of your committee. The adviser must have an MA/PhD in Sociology. One member of the committee should come from the unit where you have taken your cognate courses. Ensure that all members of your guidance committee have their appointment to serve as an adviser or panel member.
Have these forms signed by your Guidance Committee, send it to the Graduate Program Management Committee Chair for signature, then submit the signed forms to the Graduate School via ODSS:
Please refer to the MA Sociology Program primer for the initial list of possible cognate courses to take. However, your options are not limited to this list. You may explore other courses from other units. You must make sure that all nine (9) units of cognate courses you will take come from a single field in the University.
Yes, cross-registration is an option. Subject/s to be cross-registered must be reflected in your plan of study.
No, STAT 166 (Statistics for the Social Sciences) or COI can be considered as prerequisite for SOC 295.
Both methods courses can be taken, but only one of them can be listed under the major courses.
The topic depends on several factors:
- the emerging fields;
- available faculty and his/her specialization.
You can take the Oral Comprehensive Examination after completing the coursework units (total of 30 units) of the program. A test permit must be submitted to the graduate school one (1) month before the date of your comprehensive exam.
The areas included are theories, methods, and cognate courses. Other topics may also be included depending on your discussion with the Guidance Committee.
The thesis proposal presentation can be done during or after the comprehensive examination. This must be properly coordinated with the members of your Guidance Committee.
You are authorized to start working on your thesis after earning 12 units of courses with graduate credit. The approval of the thesis outline is required before the student can start working on his/her actual research. Initial consultations with the members of your guidance committee can be done while still taking coursework units. However, please take note that thesis proposals which involve human participants must undergo the ethics review process.
The six units of thesis shall be registered in three terms for two units each term (2-2-2) or two terms for three units each term (3-3).